ProSto Sales and Store Manager (POS)

ProSto Sales and Store Manager (POS)

ProSto Sales and Store Manager

ProSto is the perfect free POS (point of sale) software for your store, and it is forever free.
Control your business and know the daily, monthly and annual sales of the shop and the profits it achieves.

increase the profits and control your store and sales, ProSto can tell you about the products that get you more profits, and more performance indicators.

App Features:

- Increase profits.
- Barcode on the phone's camera
- Control all your store accounts accurately.
- Suppliers and customers.
- Paid and unpaid bills of suppliers and customers and the remaining balance.
- Store quantities of products and items.
- Top-selling products.
- Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly sales and profits monitor.
- Automatically performs all the calculations.
- Issue all reports and invoices in Arabic.
- Print PDF invoices by printing via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
- Save as PDF
- And More!!!

Supported Sections:

- Items
- products
- fund
- purchases
- sales
- expenses
- customers
- suppliers
- reports
- settings
- calculator

The app is always under development and will add a lot of new features soon.

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